Teachers don’t seem to have soured on the idea of professional development in general. They just want to get more out of it.

“Even high-quality professional development must be directly relevant to the needs of teachers and genuinely improve teaching and learning. And low-quality professional development, frankly, feels like detention.”

— Randi Weingarten, president, American Federation of Teachers


The Elements are the expectations and according actions that school and district leaders, curriculum developers, and teacher development organizations take to promote and design curriculum - based professional learning. They include:

  • core design features, which focus on the purpose of curriculum - based professional learning

  • functional design features, which shape teachers’ experiences

  • structural design features, which describe parameters and settings

Elements may be used in different combinations depending on what individuals and organizations need at different times. But all curriculum - based learning rests on the Essentials — the expectations for system and school leaders that nurture growth and change.